4 Plumbing Resolutions You Should Commit To For The New Year


With the new year approaching, you're probably starting to make your list of resolutions. Don't forget to make a list for your house, more specially, your plumbing system. There are a number of simple, yet effective ways you should work to upgrade and care for your home's plumbing system for the new year. Mini-Bathroom Remodel Consider performing a mini-bathroom remodel, with no major demo involved. A practical idea is to update the fixtures on your sink, tub and shower head.

14 December 2015

3 Heating Services And Why To Call Your Plumber First


When you think about calling a plumber for a service call, you probably think about services like leaking faucets or broken fixtures. The truth is, your plumber offers more services than traditional leak repairs and pipe replacement or installation. In fact, it may surprise you to know that there are several heating services that you should be calling your plumber for first. Here are a few of those services and why the plumber should be the first call you make.

9 December 2015

When Good Faucets Go Bad: How To Fix Your Stiff Single-Handle Kitchen Faucet


When it comes to misbehaving kitchen sinks, you need to know a pivotal fact—never ignore a stiff, hard-to-turn faucet. If you wait too long to fix this risky problem, you'll likely find yourself with a broken spout and a heavy heart. But fear not, you'll save your kitchen faucet and make it swivel effortlessly by following the steps below. 1. Shut Off The Water Supply And Cover The Drains Before performing any work on the faucet, be sure to shut off the water supply with the valve under your sink.

4 November 2015

3 Warning Signs You Need Furnace Repair Services


Your furnace should last between 15 to 20 years if you take care of it right. However, you have to pay attention to the warning signs that your furnace gives you when it needs a little bit of care and maintenance. Here are a few common warning signs your furnace will give you when it needs a little assistance. #1 Your Furnace Smells Strange One of the most common warning signs that your furnace may give off is a strange smell when you turn on your heating system.

17 October 2015

Reasons Toilets Become Wobbly And The Issues This Can Lead To


Does your toilet wobble every time you sit on it? If so, you should consider getting this fixed. Loose, wobbly toilets will usually lead to leaks, and water leaks can damage your home and cost you a lot of money. Here are the issues loose toilets can lead to and the common reasons toilets are loose. Issues With Wobbly Toilets When a toilet is wobbly, it basically means it is not securely attached to the floor in your bathroom.

6 October 2015

How To Replace A Showerhead


Whether you are replacing an old and damaged showerhead, or simply want to install a new, low-flow showerhead to save water, replacing a showerhead is a fairly simple process that only takes a few minutes with the right tools and know how. Before You Begin You'll need a pair of pliers, an adjustable wrench, electrical or plumbers tape, and a replacement showerhead, all of which can be found at most hardware stores.

6 October 2015

Things Are Getting Smelly: 3 Ways To Keep Your Drains Clean


Have you started noticing foul odors coming from your drains? If you have, it's probably time to have them cleaned. Things like hair, food, human waste and bacteria can build up inside your drains. Over time, those deposits can start creating foul odors that can seep right into your home. To keep your drains cleaned and to help prevent odors, you should have them professionally cleaned at least once a year.

5 October 2015