Unclogging A Sewer Backup: Responding To A Plumbing Emergency


Dealing with a blocked sewer pipe is a plumbing disaster. The situation can result in a revolting odor and pose a health risk as raw sewage backs up into your sinks, toilets, bathtubs, and showers. Beyond the unpleasantness and unsanitary conditions, this issue can also cause damage to your pipes and fixtures, leading to expensive repairs. It's vital to take swift action by contacting an emergency plumber as soon as you detect any indications of a sewer line blockage.

Why Your Sewer Pipe Is Blocked

Blocked sewer lines can be caused by multiple factors, including the accumulation of grease and fat in the pipes from pouring cooking oil, butter, and other fats down the drain. When substances solidify and attach to pipe walls, blockages may occur.

Additionally, flushing inappropriate materials down the toilet, like baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, and paper towels, which can accumulate over time, can also cause blocked sewer lines.

In addition to this, tree roots that grow into pipes can cause damage, and old or deteriorating pipes may collapse or become misaligned, leading to blockages. To prevent blockages, it's essential to be cautious about what goes down the drain and to schedule regular pipe inspections.

Common Symptoms of a Blocked Sewer Line

Multiple drains might be clogged or slow at the same time. The water levels in your toilets might fluctuate or overflow. Your toilet might be gurgling. You may smell sewage or rotten eggs from your drains or vents. You might also see sewage or water coming out of your cleanout pipe.

How to Respond to a Blocked Sewer Line

If you experience any of these issues, don't wait for the problem to get worse. Call an emergency plumber right away to inspect your sewer line and clear the blockage.

A professional plumber will have the tools and expertise to diagnose the cause of the blockage, whether it's tree roots, grease, debris, or a collapsed pipe. They will also use the most effective method to remove the obstruction, such as snaking, hydrojetting, or trenchless pipe repair.

By calling an emergency plumber, you can prevent further damage to your sewer line and avoid exposing yourself and your family to harmful bacteria and viruses. You can also restore the normal function of your plumbing system and enjoy a clean and comfortable home. Emergency plumbers are available at any hour of the day and will come to fix your plumbing problems when you need it the most. 

For more info about emergency plumbing, contact a local company. 


12 September 2023

DIY plumbing - can you do it yourself?

When you get a clogged drain or a toilet that just won't flush, do you reach for the phone and call for a plumber? When you have these seemingly simple plumbing problems around your house, you have to make a decision quickly. Do you pay for someone to come out and make the repairs, or do you attempt the repair on your own? This blog is all about DIY plumbing repairs. You will learn the basics and find tips for when to cut your losses and call in for professional assistance so you don't make a small fix one that needs serious repairs.