How To Keep Tree Roots From Damaging Your Plumbing Pipes


The sewer lines are completely filled with water as well as nutrients that trees need to survive, and because of this, the roots of trees tend to navigate toward them. This is particularly true when there is a leak in these pipes. Unfortunately, if tree roots make their way into the sewer lines, it is imperative that you are already familiar with the warnings signs that this has occurred so that you can contact a plumber before serious damage takes place. Keep reading to learn what you can do to prevent tree roots from ever getting into your plumbing pipes in the first place, which can save you a lot of time and money down the road.

Develop a Strategic Road Block

If you have concerns about the roots of a certain shrub or tree potentially infiltrating your plumbing lines, you can help prevent this from happening by placing some kind of barrier in between both of them. You can use a barrier made of wood or metal and drive it into the ground. Make sure that it is roughly six to 12 inches deeper than your plumbing pipe. Before doing this, though, you should contact the public works department so that you can have your sewer lines and plumbing lines marked on your property.

Take Preparations Prior to Planting

As soon as you are aware of the location of all of your lines and pipes in the yard, you can take care in where any new shrubs and plants are placed moving forward. Keep in mind that the larger the root system on a plant, the further away it should be from any of your sewer lines or plumbing pipes. If you have plumbing directly beneath where you want to place a shrub, such as right beside your home, make sure that you purchase a plant that has slow-growing and small roots, as this will help prevent the root infiltration of your pipes.

Know When to Call the Pros

As mentioned previously, you need to be familiar with the common warning signs of roots infiltrating your plumbing pipes so that you know when you should be contacting a plumbing professional for help. Some of the most common signs of infiltration issues include slow-flowing drains, backed-up drains, and gurgling sounds coming from the toilets and drains. Contact a plumber for an inspection and potential pipe repair if you notice these issues in your home.

To learn more, reach out to a local plumbing service.


10 December 2020

DIY plumbing - can you do it yourself?

When you get a clogged drain or a toilet that just won't flush, do you reach for the phone and call for a plumber? When you have these seemingly simple plumbing problems around your house, you have to make a decision quickly. Do you pay for someone to come out and make the repairs, or do you attempt the repair on your own? This blog is all about DIY plumbing repairs. You will learn the basics and find tips for when to cut your losses and call in for professional assistance so you don't make a small fix one that needs serious repairs.