3 Ways Spring Affects The Performance Of Your Septic System


The septic system's primary role is to collect and treat wastewater. Unfortunately, the spring season can be unkind to any sewer system. During this time, it is not unusual to experience plumbing clogs and a total malfunction of your sewer system. To avoid this, take note of the following issues that arise during spring, and which can affect the performance of the septic system.

Heavy Rains and Septic Flooding

Spring is the rainiest season of the year. If you don't have reliable drainage systems in your home, the heavy rains can flood the leach field and septic tank. Similarly, at the beginning of spring, winter snow starts to melt, and the water seeps into the ground. Septic flooding presents severe health hazards in a home. Additionally, the sewer may begin to flow back into your main drain line.

You can prevent these occurrences by pumping out your septic system at the beginning of the season. Pumping involves removing sludge and excess wastewater from your septic tank. During the process, the contractor will also inspect the tank and fix any damages that may undermine its performance. They will also unclog blocked sewer lines to ensure an uninterrupted flow of wastewater from your home.

Spring Cleaning and Chemical Waste

Spring cleaning is a project that's carried out in most households. After hibernating indoors during winter, most people carry out intensive cleaning tasks during this period. Most of these tasks involve using products that contain chemical ingredients. When these chemicals get flushed or rinsed out, they end up in your septic system. In the tank, they kill the aerobic bacteria that are responsible for breaking down materials in the wastewater.

With fewer bacteria to act on the waste, problems start to arise. The system begins to clog, and the leach field malfunctions. You may start to experience sewer backups in your home. Make sure to protect your septic system when undertaking spring cleaning. Use green products that don't contain harsh chemicals and avoid flushing chemicals down the drain. 

Low Temperatures and Septic Bacteria

Low temperatures during spring do not create an ideal working environment for septic bacteria. The cold weather reduces bacterial activity, and it can also kill off some of the bacteria. A reduction in aerobic bacteria slows down septic operations, and this increases the risk of a system malfunction. 

You should introduce more bacteria into the tank to create a balance and increase activity. A simple DIY solution is to flush active yeast into the system. Alternatively, buy septic tank additives that introduce enzymes and bacteria into the system to optimize wastewater treatment. 

If your septic system is already malfunctioning, don't fret. Talk to a maintenance and septic tank repair contractor for help today.


14 August 2020

DIY plumbing - can you do it yourself?

When you get a clogged drain or a toilet that just won't flush, do you reach for the phone and call for a plumber? When you have these seemingly simple plumbing problems around your house, you have to make a decision quickly. Do you pay for someone to come out and make the repairs, or do you attempt the repair on your own? This blog is all about DIY plumbing repairs. You will learn the basics and find tips for when to cut your losses and call in for professional assistance so you don't make a small fix one that needs serious repairs.