If you're busy marketing or running a successful coffee house, you might not have time to check your plumbing system for problems. But unfortunately, anything that affects your plumbing system can also affect the success of your business. Leaking pipes, mold growth, and wood fungi can cause tremendous problems for your cafe and how well you serve customers. Here are reasons to repair your plumbing system and how you can go about doing it.
Why Should You Repair Your Plumbing System?
If you think that plumbing and water line leaks only happen to homeowners, you may want to think again. Leaking plumbing pipes and water lines can occur in any structure, especially in buildings with outdated, older, or structurally unsound plumbing systems. Leaks can occur in places you may have difficulty accessing on your own, such as inside your building's wall cavities and behind the baking ovens in your kitchen.
If the leaks do show up in your building, they may create small wet spots or puddles in your flooring or around your baseboards. Water lines that leak between your ceiling and attic space may drip water down the sides of your walls and into your flooring. The leaking water can eventually cause different types of mold and wood-rotting fungi to spread throughout your building. Mold can make your coffee house unsafe by creating a stuffy, unhealthy environment. Wood rot damages the support beams, floorboards, and wall cavities in your building.
In order to remove the mold and rotting wood, the city may order you to shut down or fine your coffee house until you complete the repairs. If you depend on making a specific amount of money during the week, the downtime and fines can affect you financially. Customers may also choose to visit your competitors to obtain the goods they need.
You can protect your coffee house from the tremendous problems above by having a commercial plumbing company inspect your plumbing system.
How Do You Repair Your Plumbing System?
A commercial plumbing company will generally check every location in your coffee house that could hide plumbing or water leaks. The inspection may include examining the pipes running behind your kitchen and bathroom walls and beneath the flooring in your serving area. If you have sinks or water lines traveling through your attic, wine cellar, or extra storage room, plumbers may check it as well.
If plumbers find anything that requires immediate repairs, they'll discuss the best ways to do so. For instance, if one of your water lines is close to cracking or leaking, contractors will seal or replace them right away. If you wait until later to repair the lines, they could potentially break and flood water throughout your coffee house.
After a plumbing company repairs your system, they may recommend that you upgrade some of your coffee house's plumbing fixtures. Outdated kitchen sinks can clog up with time, especially if you pour coffee grounds and old food down the drain. Installing a sink in your kitchen that features a garbage disposal or food grinder may help reduce damage to your pipes.
You may also want to replace the sewer pipes beneath your toilets. The sewer line or pipes connected to your toilets may be loose or too old to transport waste properly. If a clog occurs in any of your toilets, it can allow waste to filter into your plumbing system. Some of the wastewater can flood into your serving area. These are just a few things you can consider changing in your plumbing system.
For more details about protecting your coffee house from plumbing problems, contact a commercial plumbing company like Buckeye Plumbing Inc today.
Share30 July 2018
When you get a clogged drain or a toilet that just won't flush, do you reach for the phone and call for a plumber? When you have these seemingly simple plumbing problems around your house, you have to make a decision quickly. Do you pay for someone to come out and make the repairs, or do you attempt the repair on your own? This blog is all about DIY plumbing repairs. You will learn the basics and find tips for when to cut your losses and call in for professional assistance so you don't make a small fix one that needs serious repairs.