How You Can Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing In Cold Temperatures


During very cold winters, the risk of your pipes freezing increases along with the risk of property damage to your home. In fact, frozen pipes that have burst are one of the most common causes of property damage. You can try to prevent your pipes from freezing, however, if you follow these simple tips.

Pipe Insulation

One of the best things you can do to prevent your pipes from freezing is to add insulation into areas that are unheated, for example, your garage, some basements, attics, and garages. This insulation protects the pipes from bitterly cold temperatures and helps to prevent them from getting frozen over. This can be used anywhere you have vulnerable pipes.

Close the Garage Door

Some people like to leave their garage door open, so they can warm the car up in the winter before they get into it. Instead, close the garage door to help seal in the heat of the house and keep the space warmer. There can be water pipes running through your garage too – you can find out through the house's building plans if you have them, and this can help prevent their freezing.

Open Cabinets

When the temperature has become bitter and you know your pipes are prone to freezing, then open the cabinet doors in both the bathroom and kitchen cupboards. This will let the warmer air into the cooler space and circulate around the pipes held within the walls or under your sink.

Turn the Cold Water On

While it might seem counter-productive, turning on the cold water tap can help prevent the pipes from freezing. Just have it run as a drip for a while until temperatures warm. Running water helps prevent pipes from freezing over.

Keep Your House Warm

With the cost of heating nowadays, many people turn down their thermostat at night to save some money on heating. During an extreme cold snap, however, it is actually better to keep the house warm and at a consistent temperature the entire day including overnight. The warmer the house is, the less chance of the pipes freezing.

Thaw it Out

If your pipes do freeze, then apply heat to the frozen area - you can use a heating pad to hold against the pipe to melt the ice. You can also use a hair dryer or space heater to warm the pipes until full water is restored. If you notice any pipe damage, then call a plumber like those at Moody Plumbing Inc to repair your pipes.


23 January 2018

DIY plumbing - can you do it yourself?

When you get a clogged drain or a toilet that just won't flush, do you reach for the phone and call for a plumber? When you have these seemingly simple plumbing problems around your house, you have to make a decision quickly. Do you pay for someone to come out and make the repairs, or do you attempt the repair on your own? This blog is all about DIY plumbing repairs. You will learn the basics and find tips for when to cut your losses and call in for professional assistance so you don't make a small fix one that needs serious repairs.