If you need to either choose a septic tank for the first time or replace the unit you already have, it's important to be aware that there are several different sizes to choose from. While it might be tempting to choose the biggest possible unit now in order to minimize future maintenance and you wouldn't be the first person to opt for the smallest septic tank to save money, choosing the right size tank is a better idea. Before committing to a new septic tank for your home use, you need to be aware of the information discussed below.
Knowing What You Must Comply With
If you are moving to a new area and you are determining what size your new septic tank should be, the first and most important information to consider is the laws in that area about septic tanks. In some areas, laws are in place that would eliminate the opportunity to buy a specific size or type of septic tank.Although most, if not all, of the companies selling septic tanks in that area would be aware of the applicable laws, you might not have that same information if you plan on buying your septic tank from a third party.
Once you know what your options are, it is time to choose the right size tank. There are two primary methods used to determine what your septic needs are. Although some of the pertinent septic tank recommendations are the same between the different methods, there are differences and when there is a question as to what you need, it's best to speak with your septic tank expert.
Determining What Size Your Septic Tank Should Be By Bedroom Size
Once you have eliminated the septic tanks you are not permitted to have and know what you can choose, there are several different ways to determine which unit is best for your home and familial needs. For instance, one simple method is to use the number of bedrooms in your home. Recent recommendations have been that if your home has three or more bedrooms, your septic tank must be at least 1,000 gallons. For four-bedroom homes, that number bumps up to 1,250 gallons and the fifth bedroom means your tank should be a minimum of 1,500 gallons.
However, there are some flaws associated with determining the septic tank size solely by the number of bedrooms. For instance, homeowners might have purchased a large home because they hope to fill it with children and that process isn't complete. The reverse is also true, in that a big home was needed due to having many children and those children are now adults. Therefore, another way to establish you have the right size of septic tank requires the number of bedrooms in the home and the size of the home, as seen next.
Choosing The Right Tank By Allowing For The Number Of Bedrooms And The Total Square Footage
A more precise way of determining the right size for your septic tank involves considering both the number of bedrooms and the square footage at home. This option is thought by many to be a more appropriate way of choosing a septic tank because it removes the uncertainty associated with the number of occupants. For instance, if you only consider the bedroom size, you might accidentally underestimate your needs, given that kids and couples often share bedrooms.
Using that method, if your home has two or fewer bedrooms and is no more than 1,500 square feet, your tank needs to be 750 gallons and three bedroom houses that top out at 2,500 square feet need a septic tank that can contain 1,000 gallons. If your four bedroom home does not exceed 3,500, you should opt for a 1,250 gallon tank.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that a new septic tank is a big and expensive decision. Therefore, since you only want to make this investment once in a great while, it's a good idea to consider the facts shared above when discussing your needs with your septic tank expert. Talk with a company like B & B Drain Tech Inc for more information.
Share7 June 2017
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